Friday, May 8, 2015

Gameplay 8: Close Encounter

The large amount waste we've dumped in the water seems to have angered a giant squid. Its tentacles reached higher than the crow's nest as it hoisted itself aboard. Melgar attempted to produce tentacles of his own, but magic has a funny way of backfiring these days. While he struggled to free himself from his own spell, I charged up one was the beast's tentacles, and Suri (the gloomy elf) rushes the crew below deck. I draw my swords and slash out it's eye with a quick flourish. Melgar manages to free himself, he grabs a barrel of tar with each tentacle and a torch in each hand. He's seems bent on a suicide run.

I leapt over the manic bard, and tumbled onto the deck. BOOM! Fire, smoke, the distinct smell of grilled calamari! It seems no one was immediately injured but Melgar, who just gave his life to save his friends.
Vain fool, you needn’t have thrown your life away.

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