Only one long boat survived the firestorm, Suri and I quickly hurried the others into it, and I cut the lines. Flyboy took off on his glider, and got some wicked lift from the blast. The gnome may seem a little dim, but he can row a boat! He was paddling the nine of us, faster than any of us could run. Deep waters, a fast pace, a lucky fishing rod, no fisherman could pass up the opportunity to troll for marlin.
The line trails behind us, I patiently wait. We watch the ship burn, and tend to our wounded. Something bites, I pull to set the hook, it pulls back, I fall in. The huge fish freaks, and sprints back towards the ship. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but I managed to get my feet under me, and I skated on top of the water. The marlin starts to dive as it nears the ship, I take in a lung full of air and dive with it.
There's a serenely peaceful moment of chaos. The ship is mostly underwater, and the squids legs drift slowly with the tide. Bodies of most unfortunate crewmen sink to join Cthulhu's ranks. As I surface on the other side, I notice Hawk has lowered a rope to me, I refuse to relinquish my grip, but the rope finds its way round my waist. The gnome had launched the boat through the flames of the sinking ship. He leapt from the row boat, tied the rope round me, and leapt back to the boat before it could splash back into the water.
I reel myself in as close as i can get to the fleeing fish, and dive forward to tackle it. With a mighty heave, and a lucky wind, Hawk pulls us both out of the sea and towards shore. When we land, I bury my hatchet into the fishes head to end its torment, and thank Ebisu for the good fortune.
As the sun set, we raised a bonfire. Partly to cook the fish, but more to honor our fallen comrade. It was late in the night before the festivities ended. All were stuffed with good food, and shouting their last goodbyes to Melgar; the bard who could talk his way onto the throne as easily as he could soothe the blood-lust of a dozen orcs.