Friday, May 15, 2015

Gameplay Journal 15: Muddy Mimics

We have been making good time, but the water is getting shallow. And before we knew it, we had beached ourselves on a muddy sand bar. We could wade for hours, or spend that time creating a vessel more suited for shallow waters. Under Hawk's guidance, the gnome used the roof of the sub to craft a flat-bottomed "skimmer". He asked if any could make a much larger version of the propeller, and I volunteered.

There were plenty of trees around and I began to carve the wood into a sword like shape. Its over-sized, broad shape would be useless in combat, but it would definitely accomplish its goal of moving lots of air. I made two copies of the blade and attached them to a wheel. BAM! propeller. That's when I heard the scream.

While I had been working, a ghost had visited Midnight and led her into the woods, and a trap. I rushed toward the scream and saw her grappling with a half transformed Doppelganger. I knew I needed to wound it before it became impossible to tell the monster from the maiden. In a flash I drew and fired an arrow into it's shoulder. It howled in pain as the others arrived, weapons drawn. They advanced on the beast and broke its grip on Midnight. Then, the gnome delivered death from above. Soaring in like a mortar round, he used his own meager body weight and that of his hammer to crush the Doppelganger like an insect.

We finished the riverboat and Suri used some clever spellcrafting to set the propeller in motion. We took off at tremendous speed, twice what a horse and rider could ever hope to manage.  

As we soared down the river, an old man hailed us. Without slowing down, the gnome plucked him from the shore. After getting his bearings, he began telling us some prophecy horse shit. He told of a safe haven in the town we were going, an inn with a name that had something to do with fish, I like fish. When he was done the gnome chucked him to shore. I applauded the old man's dexterity as he stuck the landing.

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