Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gameplay Journal 28: Leaving Town

Its finally time to leave this rotten city, speaking of rotten, I started preparing food stuffs so they wouldn’t spoil during the long sea journey ahead of us. Once everyone was packed, we disguised ourselves as a shambling group of invalids. We met no resistance during our trip to the warehouse where we were to meet our ship’s crew. I set about securing the perimeter and our path to the ship while Suri ensured the surly seamen would surely be perfect gentlemen in the presence of a certain clergy-woman.

The few guards that had been lazily patrolling this rather deserted part of the harbor were relieved of duty by yours truly. I carefully propped them up against the wall, gravity, a piece of cord, and their stools would hold them and their torches steady until their muscles stiffened.

A twig snapped behind me, I quietly signalled my dogs to cut off the noise-maker’s escape. Once I got nearer I recognized Sandwiches friend from our trip through time. She was carrying the thief we met when we first arrived in this godforsaken place. He was cut, covered in arrows, and dead. Norin had also taken an arrow in her shoulder. I helped her haul the body to the warehouse, where the cleric healed her shoulder. She told us of awful things happening to the North. Suri, Eredil and I decided to investigate.

The stench of rot became ever more present the farther North we rode. Torches, marching boots, and rattling chains filled the streets leading to the north harbor. We finally found all the missing townspeople, though by their smell and dead expressions, they haven’t been alive for a long time. Powerful magic would have sounded an alarm if we’d gotten any closer. We returned to the warehouse to alert them of the imminent threat of an invasion force now boarding for Tantras.

We all agreed that the best thing we could do was to try to get to Tantras first, we might be able to warn and prepare them. We headed for the ship. I rode ahead, to clear any guards that may be farther down the docks. Two of them stood in front of our boat (the state of decay the “ship” was in could hardly be called seaworthy) joking about the sorry sight they were sent to guard. “I’d sooner be troll-stone cold than aboard that pile of wormwood!” one said. “As you wish…” I thought as my arrows flew through the air, expertly finding their marks.

Those guards were bait, unfortunate for them. From a dark alley, an old wizard, wearing the mark of Bane, and an armoured sergeant walked into the torchlight.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Gameplay Journal 27: The Rescue

The guards were half asleep, shuffling lazily about their posts. I swiftly leaped over the wall between two patrols. Landing quiet as a cat on the other side, I skulked into position. Concealed by trees and bushes, I drew my knife and stabbed it into the soft soil, instantly regretting the cleaning and honing that would need to recover the razor edge it had. 

I listened to the blade as it resonated with Obez’s pick. I waited until I was certain he was beneath me, then lit and threw my grenades, praying they would find a hard surface to shatter against. The orange glow that erupted from the windows told me my prayers had been answered. The alarm was raised and the guards raced for the house to offer assistance, leaving my escape wide open.

I followed the gnome’s tunnel until I caught up to them. Obez was putting the finishing touches on a pitfall trap when a wizard fell through the weakened floor. Dazed and wearing the wretch burning hand of Bane, he wasn’t given trial before I executed him. Hawk (still disguised as a gorilla) leaped from the hole roaring at the other wizards.

I heard them panic, and I too leaped from the tunnel to see them running for the door. I threw their companions head at them, hoping to knock one off balance, but he showed surprising dexterity and caught it. Recognition flashed across his face and panic took over, he charged through his allies, knocking them aside. I through an unlit bottle of oil at them. It shattered over the group of panicked sorcerers soaking all of their robes as they continued their dash upstairs. Wretched screams were heard soon after. Eredil and Obez pummeled the one mage who didn’t freak out. 

All opposition dealt with, we found panther dude covered in an imprisoning slime. The gnome produced some toast, Pelor knows not from where, and calmly transferred the slime slice by slice to his iron stomach. Pantherman was unimpressed by being woken by a  gorilla. We exited through the tunnel, and made our way back to HQ.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Gameplay Journal 26: Planning a Rescue

We had a final mission, rescue El Gato. Rumor has it he is held prisoner in the basement of a large mansion on the coast. He is being tortured by Bane’s high ranking wizards, and guarded by mercenaries. Hearing Bane’s followers were in a specific place was enough for me. I headed out the door, thinking up a plan while I took count of who followed me.

Fortunately for Pantherman, Hawk and Obez both felt the need to relieve the Shadowdalian from his captors. The gnome’s tunneling prowess could prove useful for getting below the building without detection. We arrive at the coastline and see one mansion obviously guarded. Two smaller houses stood outside the walls of its yard.

After some breaking and entering, these seemed absolutely abandoned; all riches had been left behind. Lamps were present in every room, and I knew I’d find some lamp oil somewhere. The Plan now included arson as a distraction, though I wouldn’t be upset if Bane’s witches were caught up in the blaze.

I explained the plan to Hawk so he could keep the gnome on track. They were to dig a tunnel for this cellar to that of the guarded mansion while I sneaked past the guards and delivered some Mirabar cocktails through the windows. These were improvised firebombs (classically made with high proof alcohol) popularized by the rioters of Mirabar used in protest of an attempt to make alcohol illegal to sell or consume.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Gameplay Journal 25: Cow Fishing

Now back in our own time, I strode over and pulled several of the well-cooked target kebabs from the wall. “Care to try another fireball?” I ask innocently. “Alright!” Bright Eyes replies, all too eagerly attempting to hurl more flames down the hallway. She succeeded only in putting herself in a two foot deep pit. Obez misunderstood her sudden change in height, and was excited to have another gnome in the group. An attempted pat on the back, became a slap to the face that launched her out of the hole. “I’m sure he meant well” she said, rubbing her jaw.

The gnome was rather hungry after travelling through time, and reckoned he could eat another cow. We let the acting leader know of our plan to watch the gnome eat a cow, and she happily provided us varying disguises. I was a shadow, dark and featureless. The gnome, an old man, as unassuming a guise as any. Hawk took the form of a gorilla, well as close as she could manage. Bright Eyes became the axe-wielding orc of legend, Urgzog the Terrible, in all his crushtastic glory.

Our assorted crew set out in search of a cow, their scent was easy enough to follow. From a rooftop, I rigged a barbed harpoon with a rope and shot it from my bow. It silently struck the heart of an unsuspecting steer, swiftly sending it to Shang Moo Lah. The gnome and I heaved it through the air and I grinned at the guards rubbing their eyes watching one of their cows fly off into the twilight sky.

Had the Gnome not gotten impatient and destroyed a building to make a fire pit, we may have gotten away. But now boots were stomping down the street to inspect the damage. Hawk and I took hidden vantage points. The gnome tried to explain things peacefully, but they weren’t buying into his barbeque. Bright Eyes tried her best to play the menacing Urgzog, and was doing OK until she opened her mouth.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gameplay Journal 24: Temporal Troubles with Magical Chaos

Eredil and Suri must have terrible hangovers because they have been moaning in their room all day. The rest of the group, and Sandwich were below ground watching Bright Eyes practice her fireball. I set up kebabs stick out of the wall so she could get a sense of her range. Also, they were quite tasty. Oh, the magical chaos that has recently plagued the arcane was very entertaining, and usually harmless. On the seventh cast, something ludicrous pulled us all through space and time. We had finally made it to Tantras, but the giant bug that was left beaten and dead in the street, spoke of a time before the gods fell.

A monk of the Vaasa Region (impeccably toned) smoothly stepped down from the giant insect's carapace, he helped Bright Eyes and myself to our feet. We four strangers were greeted and invited to the festival. Sandwich was greeted by an old friend, I sped off to a loudly announced archery contest, Hawk met a druid who could turn into a bird (they had to race at flying) and Bright Eyes was left in Obez's care.

I patiently waited, trying not to watch as several commoners butchered my art. When it was my turn, I drew and loosed the arrow as I asked what the grand prize was. When it landed in the bull's eye, the man who had been charging entry's jaw dropped. He began counting out half the day's collection. I readied another arrow, and asked "will you halve your share again if I can split my arrow?" and let fly. A very unique splintering thud was heard before he had time time answer. "If I can do it again, will you throw in your fancy hat?", and drew a third arrow across my chest. The crowd hushed. The splintering thud rang out again. The crowd cheered, the man surrendered his hat, and his pot of gold. I bowed, stowed my winnings, and donned my new hat with a flourish.

Yoffa, the monk who had first greeted us in this time, carried the claws of the slain beast on his back. He was looking for a taxidermist to turn them into a trophy. I offered my service, "Are you sure you want a mere decoration? I could turn them into a wicked sword!" He agreed and we gathered some other supplies I'd need, handles and bindings and such. A masterpiece of oversized weaponry was created before the day was out. Modeled after a zanbato (a ludicrously large greatsword meant to cut through horse and rider in a single swing) it's natural sharpness and serrations ensured none would quickly recover from it's wounds. I couldn't help but add a tube that would launch my torpedos (in the event that I find it in the future). As the sun set, we accidental travelers of time faded out of existence to return to our proper time and place. I can't wait to hear Bright Eyes explain to Suri how she got a goldfish!